iQuran Pro v2.3.3 Apk App

Posted by Unknown  |  at  17:19

Requirements: Android OS 1.6 +Overview: Read the Holy Quran in Arabic alongside its Translation. Provides verse by verse audio playback, repeat functions, unlimited bookmarks, search, excellent navigational controls, several translat


How to Root Htc Wildfire a3333 with unrevoked 3.21

Posted by Unknown  |  at  16:42

Android phones updates - Android smartphone users a lot of thanks to the team unrEVOked, because it has been made easier htc bootloader unlocker. Here is the preparation of the root HTC A3333 Wildfire : OS: Windows 7 x86 or windows Xp Phone: H


Resetting Windows OS password by Linux

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  21:02

Most of times specially in our college we don't have the access to the admin account, and whenever we need admin privileges we have to ask Lab assistant and that's the only part of the Lab that i never loved when i was student. Now suppose you


How to Change Password on WindowsXP / 7 without knowing the Original Password???

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  20:43

This is useful for many occasions such as if you forget the password to your primary account on your computer but still have access to another 0ne or if you simply want to prank your brother. This has been tested on both Windows XP and Windows


Reset All Samsung Mobile phones Universal Unlock Trick!!!

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  20:30

If forgot your samsung mobile code !!! Don’t worry I have something for you, these codes could reset all samsung mobile codes (including mobile tracker code) regardless of any model.   This is what to do : First of all turn off your mobi


How to Unlock Samsung Corby Phone???

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  20:22

How to Unlock Samsung Corby Phone I am again here to take a good post for you and many of you users of Samsung corby mobile phones. and use codes for your mobile security and your privacy and may people among of us input the code and forget th


15 Important Tips For Nokia 5800,N97 Nokia 5530

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  20:17

Here are some cool tips and tricks that you all must try to get best out of your nokia5800, N97 & Nokia 5530 . To add 3D effect to your theme(a really cool trick) menu>settings>personal>Themes> General>options>theme effect


Nokia Secret Code!!!

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  20:12

Here's the top most seven Nokia mobile phone secret codes for cell phone lovers who want to touch up things easily. Just type the codes as shown below then you will get the result in real time Codes: *#06# To check your mobile IMEI *#0000# 


Hide data in mobile without any software...

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  00:00

Have you ever wanted to hide folders in your phone? If yes,there here is very interesting solution for you to hide folders in your phone and you don't even need any software for that.This trick can be used for any JAVA phone from Nokia,Samsung,M


Eject cd/dvd rom

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  13:07

We can do many funny things with VBS scripts and one of the most famous trick is ejecting a cd/dvd drive infinitely. In our previous posts we had given some of the best notepad tricks but not this type of funny(some what prank) vbs script. S


Run as The System User in win XP

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  23:57

We all know that a user with administrative privileges can do much more than a normal guest’s or power users, but if you think that the administrative user will have all the ultimate powers, than you are wrong because he(administrative user


Transparent lock to your windows desktop

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  23:52

Locking your computer is a good idea when you are away from your pc, Yep!!! i know you can simply do this by using windows shortcut key “win+L” on your keyboard. It will lock your screen but the bad thing is, it will hide your screen and you


Unlock any password protected PDF

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  23:33

Nowadays PDF's(portable document format files) are most widely used format for Ebooks or related. This PDF's are some times password protected and gives access to user just to view or read, that means they will not give you the ability to co


Top reasons to use ubuntu instead using windows

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  23:16

Its very common that many people argue why should you use ubuntu or other Linux distro when you are in the world of windows or mac(even i asked the same question when i got a thought to change to ubuntu linux). So why should you use ubuntu


How to recover lost password in Ubuntu???

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  23:15

Ubuntu, which is more secure and flexible way to work with but what if you lose your account password which is used to login to your user account. So why do you lose your password!! well there are many reasons like you may forget what pas


Install Ubuntu form usb flash drive

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  23:10

Ubuntu is one of the best OS which is based on Linux kernel , In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install Ubuntu from USB drive. This procedure is very handy for portable notebooks etc.., which do no have CD/DVD drive and it will b


Create Bootable Win XP/ Win 7/ Win Vista USB Drive

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  22:48

It is very common that one time or other we all be forced to boot win XP/ 7/ Vista from USB due to many problems with our DVD drives or with their firmware versions or any other reason. If you are the one who is suffering to get this things


Install BackTrack via USB Drive

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  22:45

BackTrack is one of the best Linux distributions which is purely focused on penetration testing and is preloaded with several industry standard security and hacking tools like network analysers, wireless tools, fuzzer


Best Notepad tricks and hacks

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  22:20

1. Bush Hid the Facts/This App Can Break This is one of the most popular notepad tricks because of its mysterious nature. In order to get an idea as to what this trick does, just follow the steps given below: Open Notepad. Type “


How To Post A Blank Post In Facebook?

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  15:56

How To Post A Blank Post In Facebook.So Just Follow Belowed Simple Steps…1. Go To Facebook Wall Post…2. In Post Status Write The Code Given Below… @[0:0: ] Now Post Status…


Post Status in Blue Color at Facebook

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  15:13

Today I'm going to share how to post status in blue color at facebook. This tricks is so simple , all you need is right code. Step 1. Copy the following code . @[1: ]@@[1:[0:1: Your Text Here ]] Step 2. Paste in Status


REGEDIT Keyboard Shortcuts

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  11:33

  “Ctrl+F” — Opens the Find dialog box. “F3” — Repeats the last search.Browsing:“Keypad +” — Expands the selected branch.“Keypad -” — Collapses the selected branch.“Keypad *” — Expands all the selected branch’s sub keys.“Up Arrow” — Selec


Trace Facebook Friend IP during Chat

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  11:29

  Want To Trace Someone’s  IP Address When Chat On Facebook? Here Are The Way To Do So. First you got to find out the IP address of that User. To Do so we will be using “netstat” command in windows. If you want to know the IP a


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