Posted by Anonymous | at 01:35
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You can lock and unlock your
folder with this simple trick ! Procedure :
1. Make a folder on the desktop
and name it as “folder”
2. Now, open notepad and write
ren folder folder.
{21EC2020-3AEA-1069- A2DD-08002B30309D} and now
(Notepad Menu) File>save as.
3. In the ‘save as’ name it as
lock.bat and click save ! (Save it
on Desktop)
4. Now, again open notepad again and write ren folder.
A2DD-08002B30309D} folder and
now (Notepad Menu) File>save
5. In the ‘save as’ name it as key.bat and click save ! (Save it
on Desktop)
6. Now, double click lock.bat to
lock the folder and now if you
open your folder, control panel
will open up ! 7. Now, double click key.bat to
open the folder and now if you
open your folder, you can
access your data inside the
folder again !
8. Lock your folder and hide the key.bat somewhere else on your
hard disk !
9. Whenever you want to open
your folder just paste the
key.bat on desktop and open
your folder using it !
Tagged as: Notepad Tricks
About the Author
Khawaja Ali is the author of this blog he is 18 year old white hat hacker, web-designer and a young programmer currently living in Khushab and studing in Punjab College Jauharabad.He love to help others thats why running this blog.Thanks for visiting here.
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