Hide Folder With Cmd

Posted by Anonymous  |  at  14:31 No comments


Method 1 (the easy one)
    1. Click “Start”, “Run,” and then type cmd. When the command prompt opens type “CD C:Test” (replace “Test” with the name of the folder you want to hide.)2. Now type “attrib file +s +h” and replace “file” with the name of the actual file name you would like to hide.
    3. Now, go back to C:Test and look for your file or folder, it’s not there! You cannot find it through simply browsing around, through the command prompt, or even if you click “Show Hidden Files and Folders”.
    4. To find the folder and it’s contents again simply go back to the command prompt, type “CD C:Test” (of course, again replacing “Test” with the name of the folder,) and then type “attrib filename -s -h”. You should now be able to find your file again!

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About the Author

Khawaja Ali is the author of this blog he is 18 year old white hat hacker, web-designer and a young programmer currently living in Khushab and studing in Punjab College Jauharabad.He love to help others thats why running this blog.Thanks for visiting here.

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