Make your Google search efficient
Posted by Anonymous | at 07:50
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the below mentioned guidelines during your Google Search and it will
surely provide you with more better and relevant results.
- Either/or Google normally searches for pages that contain all the words you type in the search box,but if you want pages that have one term or another (or both), use the OR operator — or use the symbol (pipe symbol) to save you a keystroke. For eg. [dumb | little | man]
- Quotes If you want to search for an exact phrase, use quotes. For e.g. ["marvel tech spot"] will only find that exact phrase.
- Not If you don't want a term or phrase, use the - (minus) symbol as prefix. For eg. [-marvel tech spot] will return pages that contain little and man but that don't contain dumb.
- Similar terms Use the ~ symbol to return similar terms. For e.g. [~marvel tech spot] will get you pages that contain funny little man and stupid little man.
- Wildcard The * symbol is a wildcard. This is useful if you're trying to find the lyrics to a song, but cant remember the exact lyrics. [cant * why not me lyrics] will return the Beatles song you're looking for.
- Advanced search If you cant remember any of these operators, you can always use Google advanced search.
- Definitions Use the 'define:' operator to get a quick definition. For e.g. [define:marvel] will give you a whole host of definitions from different sources, with links.
- Calculator One of the handiest uses of Google, type in a quick calculation in the search box and get an answer. Its faster than calling up your computers calculator in most cases. Use the +, -, *, / symbols and parentheses to do a simple equation.
- Num-range This little-known feature searches for a range of numbers. For e.g. [best books 2002..2007] will return lists of best books for each of the years from 2002 to 2007 (note the two periods between the two numbers).
- Site-specific Use the 'site:' operator to search only within a certain website.For e.g. [ Android] will search for the term Android only within that site.
Tagged as: Fun, Internet Tricks
About the Author
Khawaja Ali is the author of this blog he is 18 year old white hat hacker, web-designer and a young programmer currently living in Khushab and studing in Punjab College Jauharabad.He love to help others thats why running this blog.Thanks for visiting here.
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